
Locator — Location information for errors, warnings and messages.


void                raptor_print_locator                (FILE *stream,
                                                         raptor_locator *locator);
int                 raptor_format_locator               (char *buffer,
                                                         size_t length,
                                                         raptor_locator *locator);
int                 raptor_locator_line                 (raptor_locator *locator);
int                 raptor_locator_column               (raptor_locator *locator);
int                 raptor_locator_byte                 (raptor_locator *locator);
const char *        raptor_locator_file                 (raptor_locator *locator);
const char *        raptor_locator_uri                  (raptor_locator *locator);


A small structure that can be optionally filled in when errors, warnings or other messages are generated and returned to user code.



typedef struct {
  raptor_uri *uri;
  const char *file;
  int line;
  int column;
  int byte;  
} raptor_locator;

Location information for an error, warning or information message.

raptor_uri *uri;

URI of location (or NULL)

const char *file;

Filename of location (or NULL)

int line;

Line number of location (or <0 for no line)

int column;

Column number of location (or <0 for no column)

int byte;

Byte number of location (or <0 for no byte)

raptor_print_locator ()

void                raptor_print_locator                (FILE *stream,
                                                         raptor_locator *locator);

Print a raptor locator to a stream.

raptor_init() MUST have been called before calling this function. Use raptor_print_locator_v2() if using raptor_world APIs.

stream :

stream to print to

locator :

raptor_locator to print

raptor_format_locator ()

int                 raptor_format_locator               (char *buffer,
                                                         size_t length,
                                                         raptor_locator *locator);

Format a raptor locator as a string.

If buffer is NULL or length is insufficient for the size of the locator, returns the number of additional bytes required in the buffer to write the locator.

raptor_init() MUST have been called before calling this function. Use raptor_format_locator_v2() if using raptor_world APIs.

buffer :

buffer to store format

length :

size of buffer

locator :

raptor_locator to format

Returns :

0 on success, >0 if additional bytes required in buffer, <0 on failure

raptor_locator_line ()

int                 raptor_locator_line                 (raptor_locator *locator);

Get line number from locator.

locator :


Returns :

integer line number, or -1 if there is no line number available

raptor_locator_column ()

int                 raptor_locator_column               (raptor_locator *locator);

Get column number from locator.

locator :


Returns :

integer column number, or -1 if there is no column number available

raptor_locator_byte ()

int                 raptor_locator_byte                 (raptor_locator *locator);

Get the locator byte offset from locator.

locator :


Returns :

integer byte number, or -1 if there is no byte offset available

raptor_locator_file ()

const char *        raptor_locator_file                 (raptor_locator *locator);

Get file name from locator.

locator :


Returns :

string file name, or NULL if there is no filename available

raptor_locator_uri ()

const char *        raptor_locator_uri                  (raptor_locator *locator);

Get URI from locator.

Returns a pointer to a shared string version of the URI in the locator. This must be copied if it is needed.

raptor_init() MUST have been called before calling this function. Use raptor_locator_uri_v2() if using raptor_world APIs.

locator :


Returns :

string URI, or NULL if there is no URI available

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Copyright 2000-2010 Dave Beckett