I/O Stream

I/O Stream — Providing streaming I/O writing to files, strings or user code.


typedef             raptor_iostream;
int                 (*raptor_iostream_init_func)        (void *context);
void                (*raptor_iostream_finish_func)      (void *context);
int                 (*raptor_iostream_write_byte_func)  (void *context,
                                                         const int byte);
int                 (*raptor_iostream_write_bytes_func) (void *context,
                                                         const void *ptr,
                                                         size_t size,
                                                         size_t nmemb);
void                (*raptor_iostream_write_end_func)   (void *context);
int                 (*raptor_iostream_read_bytes_func)  (void *context,
                                                         void *ptr,
                                                         size_t size,
                                                         size_t nmemb);
int                 (*raptor_iostream_read_eof_func)    (void *context);
raptor_iostream*    raptor_new_iostream_from_handler2   (void *user_data,
                                                         const raptor_iostream_handler2 * const handler2);
raptor_iostream*    raptor_new_iostream_from_handler    (void *context,
                                                         const raptor_iostream_handler *handler);
raptor_iostream*    raptor_new_iostream_from_sink       (void);
raptor_iostream*    raptor_new_iostream_from_filename   (const char *filename);
raptor_iostream*    raptor_new_iostream_from_file_handle
                                                        (FILE *handle);
raptor_iostream*    raptor_new_iostream_from_string     (void *string,
                                                         size_t length);
raptor_iostream*    raptor_new_iostream_to_sink         (void);
raptor_iostream*    raptor_new_iostream_to_filename     (const char *filename);
raptor_iostream*    raptor_new_iostream_to_file_handle  (FILE *handle);
raptor_iostream*    raptor_new_iostream_to_string       (void **string_p,
                                                         size_t *length_p,
                                                         void* (malloc_handlersize_t size) ());
void                raptor_free_iostream                (raptor_iostream *iostr);
int                 raptor_iostream_format_hexadecimal  (raptor_iostream *iostr,
                                                         unsigned int integer,
                                                         int width);
size_t              raptor_iostream_get_bytes_written_count
                                                        (raptor_iostream *iostr);
int                 raptor_iostream_read_bytes          (raptor_iostream *iostr,
                                                         void *ptr,
                                                         size_t size,
                                                         size_t nmemb);
int                 raptor_iostream_read_eof            (raptor_iostream *iostr);
unsigned long       raptor_iostream_tell                (raptor_iostream *iostr);
int                 raptor_iostream_write_byte          (raptor_iostream *iostr,
                                                         const int byte);
int                 raptor_iostream_write_bytes         (raptor_iostream *iostr,
                                                         const void *ptr,
                                                         size_t size,
                                                         size_t nmemb);
int                 raptor_iostream_write_counted_string
                                                        (raptor_iostream *iostr,
                                                         const void *string,
                                                         size_t len);
int                 raptor_iostream_write_decimal       (raptor_iostream *iostr,
                                                         int integer);
void                raptor_iostream_write_end           (raptor_iostream *iostr);
void                raptor_iostream_write_statement_ntriples
                                                        (raptor_iostream *iostr,
                                                         const raptor_statement *statement);
int                 raptor_iostream_write_string        (raptor_iostream *iostr,
                                                         const void *string);
int                 raptor_iostream_write_string_ntriples
                                                        (raptor_iostream *iostr,
                                                         unsigned char *string,
                                                         size_t len,
                                                         const char delim);
int                 raptor_iostream_write_string_python (raptor_iostream *iostr,
                                                         unsigned char *string,
                                                         size_t len,
                                                         const char delim,
                                                         int flags);
void                raptor_iostream_write_string_turtle (raptor_iostream *iostr,
                                                         unsigned char *string,
                                                         size_t len);
int                 raptor_iostream_write_stringbuffer  (raptor_iostream *iostr,
                                                         raptor_stringbuffer *sb);


An class providing an I/O writer abstraction that allows generating output that can be stored or passed on to system files, strings allocated in memory (usually via raptor_stringbuffer), system file handles (FILE*) or to a user function.



raptor_iostream* raptor_iostream;

Raptor I/O Stream class

raptor_iostream_init_func ()

int                 (*raptor_iostream_init_func)        (void *context);

Handler function for raptor_iostream initialising.

context :

stream context data

Returns :

non-0 on failure.

raptor_iostream_finish_func ()

void                (*raptor_iostream_finish_func)      (void *context);

Handler function for raptor_iostream terminating.

context :

stream context data

raptor_iostream_write_byte_func ()

int                 (*raptor_iostream_write_byte_func)  (void *context,
                                                         const int byte);

Handler function for implementing raptor_iostream_write_byte().

context :

stream context data

byte :

byte to write

Returns :

non-0 on failure.

raptor_iostream_write_bytes_func ()

int                 (*raptor_iostream_write_bytes_func) (void *context,
                                                         const void *ptr,
                                                         size_t size,
                                                         size_t nmemb);

Handler function for implementing raptor_iostream_write_bytes().

context :

stream context data

ptr :

pointer to bytes to write

size :

size of item

nmemb :

number of items

Returns :

non-0 on failure.

raptor_iostream_write_end_func ()

void                (*raptor_iostream_write_end_func)   (void *context);

Handler function for implementing raptor_iostream_write_end().

context :

stream context data

raptor_iostream_read_bytes_func ()

int                 (*raptor_iostream_read_bytes_func)  (void *context,
                                                         void *ptr,
                                                         size_t size,
                                                         size_t nmemb);

Handler function for implementing raptor_iostream_read_bytes().

context :

stream context data

ptr :

pointer to buffer to read into

size :

size of buffer

nmemb :

number of items

Returns :

number of items read, 0 or < size on EOF, <0 on failure

raptor_iostream_read_eof_func ()

int                 (*raptor_iostream_read_eof_func)    (void *context);

Handler function for implementing raptor_iostream_read_eof().

context :

stream context data

Returns :

non-0 if EOF


typedef struct {
  raptor_iostream_init_func         init;
  raptor_iostream_finish_func       finish;
  raptor_iostream_write_byte_func   write_byte;
  raptor_iostream_write_bytes_func  write_bytes;
  raptor_iostream_write_end_func    write_end;
} raptor_iostream_handler;


raptor_iostream_handler is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. Use raptor_iostream_handler2

I/O stream implementation handler structure.

raptor_iostream_init_func init;

initialisation handler - optional, called at most once

raptor_iostream_finish_func finish;

finishing handler - optional, called at most once

raptor_iostream_write_byte_func write_byte;

write byte handler - required (for writing)

raptor_iostream_write_bytes_func write_bytes;

write bytes handler - required (for writing)

raptor_iostream_write_end_func write_end;

write end handler - optional (for writing), called at most once


typedef struct {
  int version;

  /* V1 functions */
  raptor_iostream_init_func         init;
  raptor_iostream_finish_func       finish;
  raptor_iostream_write_byte_func   write_byte;
  raptor_iostream_write_bytes_func  write_bytes;
  raptor_iostream_write_end_func    write_end;

  /* V2 functions */
  raptor_iostream_read_bytes_func   read_bytes;
  raptor_iostream_read_eof_func     read_eof;
} raptor_iostream_handler2;

I/O stream implementation handler structure.

int version;

interface version. Presently 1 or 2.

raptor_iostream_init_func init;

initialisation handler - optional, called at most once (V1)

raptor_iostream_finish_func finish;

finishing handler - optional, called at most once (V1)

raptor_iostream_write_byte_func write_byte;

write byte handler - required (for writing) (V1)

raptor_iostream_write_bytes_func write_bytes;

write bytes handler - required (for writing) (V1)

raptor_iostream_write_end_func write_end;

write end handler - optional (for writing), called at most once (V1)

raptor_iostream_read_bytes_func read_bytes;

read bytes handler - required (for reading) (V2)

raptor_iostream_read_eof_func read_eof;

read EOF handler - required (for reading) (V2)

raptor_new_iostream_from_handler2 ()

raptor_iostream*    raptor_new_iostream_from_handler2   (void *user_data,
                                                         const raptor_iostream_handler2 * const handler2);

Create a new iostream over a user-defined handler

user_data :

pointer to context information to pass in to calls

handler2 :

pointer to handler methods

Returns :

new raptor_iostream object or NULL on failure

raptor_new_iostream_from_handler ()

raptor_iostream*    raptor_new_iostream_from_handler    (void *context,
                                                         const raptor_iostream_handler *handler);


raptor_new_iostream_from_handler is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Create a new iostream over a user-defined handler.

deprecated: Use raptor_new_iostream_from_handler2() instead

context :

pointer to context information to pass in to calls

handler :

pointer to handler methods

Returns :

new raptor_iostream object or NULL on failure

raptor_new_iostream_from_sink ()

raptor_iostream*    raptor_new_iostream_from_sink       (void);

Create a new read iostream from a sink.

Returns :

new raptor_iostream object or NULL on failure

raptor_new_iostream_from_filename ()

raptor_iostream*    raptor_new_iostream_from_filename   (const char *filename);

Constructor - create a new iostream reading from a filename.

filename :

Input filename to open and read from

Returns :

new raptor_iostream object or NULL on failure

raptor_new_iostream_from_file_handle ()

raptor_iostream*    raptor_new_iostream_from_file_handle
                                                        (FILE *handle);

Constructor - create a new iostream reading from a file_handle.

The handle must already be open for reading. NOTE: This does not fclose the handle when it is finished.

handle :

Input file_handle to open and read from

Returns :

new raptor_iostream object or NULL on failure

raptor_new_iostream_from_string ()

raptor_iostream*    raptor_new_iostream_from_string     (void *string,
                                                         size_t length);

Constructor - create a new iostream reading from a string.

string :

pointer to string

length :

length of string

Returns :

new raptor_iostream object or NULL on failure

raptor_new_iostream_to_sink ()

raptor_iostream*    raptor_new_iostream_to_sink         (void);

Create a new write iostream to a sink.

Returns :

new raptor_iostream object or NULL on failure

raptor_new_iostream_to_filename ()

raptor_iostream*    raptor_new_iostream_to_filename     (const char *filename);

Constructor - create a new iostream writing to a filename.

filename :

Output filename to open and write to

Returns :

new raptor_iostream object or NULL on failure

raptor_new_iostream_to_file_handle ()

raptor_iostream*    raptor_new_iostream_to_file_handle  (FILE *handle);

Constructor - create a new iostream writing to a FILE*.

The handle must already be open for writing. NOTE: This does not fclose the handle when it is finished.

handle :

FILE* handle to write to

Returns :

new raptor_iostream object or NULL on failure

raptor_new_iostream_to_string ()

raptor_iostream*    raptor_new_iostream_to_string       (void **string_p,
                                                         size_t *length_p,
                                                         void* (malloc_handlersize_t size) ());

Constructor - create a new iostream writing to a string.

If malloc_handler is null, raptor will allocate it using it's own memory allocator. *string_p is set to NULL on failure (and *length_p to 0 if length_p is not NULL).

string_p :

pointer to location to hold string

length_p :

pointer to location to hold length of string (or NULL)

malloc_handler :

pointer to malloc to use to make string (or NULL)

Returns :

new raptor_iostream object or NULL on failure

raptor_free_iostream ()

void                raptor_free_iostream                (raptor_iostream *iostr);

Destructor - destroy an iostream.

iostr :

iostream object

raptor_iostream_format_hexadecimal ()

int                 raptor_iostream_format_hexadecimal  (raptor_iostream *iostr,
                                                         unsigned int integer,
                                                         int width);

Write an integer in hexadecimal to the iostream.

Always 0-fills the entire field and writes in uppercase A-F

iostr :

raptor iostream

integer :

unsigned integer to format as hexadecimal

width :

field width

Returns :

non-0 on failure

raptor_iostream_get_bytes_written_count ()

size_t              raptor_iostream_get_bytes_written_count
                                                        (raptor_iostream *iostr);


raptor_iostream_get_bytes_written_count is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Get the number of bytes written to the iostream.

deprecated: Use raptor_iostream_tell() instead

iostr :

raptor iostream

Returns :

number of bytes written or 0 if none written so far

raptor_iostream_read_bytes ()

int                 raptor_iostream_read_bytes          (raptor_iostream *iostr,
                                                         void *ptr,
                                                         size_t size,
                                                         size_t nmemb);

Read bytes to the iostream.

iostr :

raptor iostream

ptr :

start of buffer to read objects into

size :

size of object

nmemb :

number of objects to read

Returns :

number of objects read, 0 or less than nmemb on EOF, <0 on failure

raptor_iostream_read_eof ()

int                 raptor_iostream_read_eof            (raptor_iostream *iostr);

Check if an read iostream has ended

iostr :

raptor read iostream

Returns :

non-0 if EOF (or not a read iostream)

raptor_iostream_tell ()

unsigned long       raptor_iostream_tell                (raptor_iostream *iostr);

Get the offset in the iostream.

iostr :

raptor iostream

Returns :

offset in iostream

raptor_iostream_write_byte ()

int                 raptor_iostream_write_byte          (raptor_iostream *iostr,
                                                         const int byte);

Write a byte to the iostream.

iostr :

raptor iostream

byte :

byte to write

Returns :

non-0 on failure

raptor_iostream_write_bytes ()

int                 raptor_iostream_write_bytes         (raptor_iostream *iostr,
                                                         const void *ptr,
                                                         size_t size,
                                                         size_t nmemb);

Write bytes to the iostream.

iostr :

raptor iostream

ptr :

start of objects to write

size :

size of object

nmemb :

number of objects

Returns :

number of objects written or less than nmemb or 0 on failure

raptor_iostream_write_counted_string ()

int                 raptor_iostream_write_counted_string
                                                        (raptor_iostream *iostr,
                                                         const void *string,
                                                         size_t len);

Write a counted string to the iostream.

iostr :

raptor iostream

string :


len :

string length

Returns :

non-0 on failure

raptor_iostream_write_decimal ()

int                 raptor_iostream_write_decimal       (raptor_iostream *iostr,
                                                         int integer);

Write an integer in decimal to the iostream.

iostr :

raptor iostream

integer :

integer to format as decimal

Returns :

non-0 on failure

raptor_iostream_write_end ()

void                raptor_iostream_write_end           (raptor_iostream *iostr);

End writing to the iostream.

iostr :

raptor iostream

raptor_iostream_write_statement_ntriples ()

void                raptor_iostream_write_statement_ntriples
                                                        (raptor_iostream *iostr,
                                                         const raptor_statement *statement);

Write a raptor_statement formatted in N-Triples format to a raptor_iostream

raptor_init() MUST have been called before calling this function. Use raptor_iostream_write_statement_ntriples_v2() if using raptor_world APIs.

iostr :

raptor iostream

statement :

statement to write

raptor_iostream_write_string ()

int                 raptor_iostream_write_string        (raptor_iostream *iostr,
                                                         const void *string);

Write a NULL-terminated string to the iostream.

iostr :

raptor iostream

string :


Returns :

non-0 on failure

raptor_iostream_write_string_ntriples ()

int                 raptor_iostream_write_string_ntriples
                                                        (raptor_iostream *iostr,
                                                         unsigned char *string,
                                                         size_t len,
                                                         const char delim);

Write an UTF-8 string using N-Triples escapes to an iostream.

iostr :

raptor_iostream to write to

string :

UTF-8 string to write

len :

length of UTF-8 string

delim :

Terminating delimiter character for string (such as " or >) or \0 for no escaping.

Returns :

non-0 on failure such as bad UTF-8 encoding.

raptor_iostream_write_string_python ()

int                 raptor_iostream_write_string_python (raptor_iostream *iostr,
                                                         unsigned char *string,
                                                         size_t len,
                                                         const char delim,
                                                         int flags);

Write a UTF-8 string using Python-style escapes (N-Triples, Turtle, JSON) to an iostream.

iostr :

raptor_iostream to write to

string :

UTF-8 string to write

len :

length of UTF-8 string

delim :

Terminating delimiter character for string (such as " or >) or \0 for no escaping.

flags :

flags 0=N-Triples mode, 1=Turtle (allow raw UTF-8), 2=Turtle long string (allow raw UTF-8), 3=JSON

Returns :

non-0 on failure such as bad UTF-8 encoding.

raptor_iostream_write_string_turtle ()

void                raptor_iostream_write_string_turtle (raptor_iostream *iostr,
                                                         unsigned char *string,
                                                         size_t len);


raptor_iostream_write_string_turtle is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Write an UTF-8 string using Turtle "longString" triple quoting to an iostream.

deprecated: use raptor_iostream_write_string_python() instead

iostr :

raptor_iostream to write to

string :

UTF-8 string to write

len :

length of UTF-8 string

raptor_iostream_write_stringbuffer ()

int                 raptor_iostream_write_stringbuffer  (raptor_iostream *iostr,
                                                         raptor_stringbuffer *sb);

Write a stringbuffer to an iostream.

iostr :

raptor iostream

sb :

raptor_stringbuffer to write

Returns :

non-0 on failure

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Copyright 2000-2010 Dave Beckett