Redland librdf Language Bindings - Python API Reference
RDF (version 1.1, $Date$) |
Classes |
- __builtin__.object
- Iterator
- Model
- NS
- Node
- Parser
- NTriplesParser
- TurtleParser
- Query
- RDQLQuery
- Serializer
- NTriplesSerializer
- RDFXMLSerializer
- Statement
- Storage
- HashStorage
- MemoryStorage
- Stream
- Uri
class HashStorage(Storage) |
Redland Hashed Storage class
import RDF
h1=RDF.HashStorage("abc", options="hash-type='memory'")
# Creating a storage with contexts enabled
s=RDF.HashStorage("def", options="contexts='yes'")
Class of hashed Storage for a particular type of hash (typically
hash-type is "memory" or "bdb") and any other options.
- Method resolution order:
- HashStorage
- Storage
- __builtin__.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, hash_name, options='')
Methods inherited from Storage:
- __del__(self)
Data descriptors inherited from Storage:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class Iterator(__builtin__.object) |
Redland Node Iterator class
A class for iterating over a sequence of Node s such as
those returned from a Model query. Some methods return
Iterator s or Python sequences. If this is used, it works
as follows:
iterator=model.get_targets_iterator(source, arc)
while not iterator.end():
# get the current Node
# do something with it
# (it is shared; you must copy it you want to keep it)
Methods defined here:
- __del__(self)
- __init__(self, object, creator1=None, creator2=None, creator3=None)
- Create an RDF Iterator (constructor).
- __iter__(self)
- __next__(self)
- Move to the next object on the Iterator
- context(self)
- Return the context Node of the current object on the Iterator
- current(self)
- Return the current object on the Iterator
- end(self)
- Return true if the iterator is exhausted
- have_elements(self)
- next = __next__(self)
Data descriptors defined here:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class Model(__builtin__.object) |
Redland Graph class
import RDF
model = RDF.Model(storage)
The main interface to the Redland RDF graph (formed from triples, or
RDF statements). There are many methods for adding, removing, querying
statements and serializing them to/from syntaxes using the Serializer
or Parser classes.
Models can also be used as Python sequences to give every triple in the
for statement in model:
print statement
Models have other aspects of sequence types. The following also works:
if statement in model: # do whatever
if (statement, context) in model: # do whatever
del model[statement] # remove statement from model
del model[statement, context] # ditto for context-aware model
model.append(statement) # append a statement
model.append(statement, context) # append statement with context
num_items = len(model) # get number of statements in the model
# works only with countable storages
Methods defined here:
- __contains__(self, arg)
- __del__(self)
- __delitem__(self, arg)
- __init__(self, storage=None, **args)
- Create an RDF Model (constructor).
Create a Model from an existing Storage (most common use).
Optional parameters:
options_string - A string of options for the Model
options_hash - A Hash of options for the Model
m1 = RDF.Model(s1)
m1 = RDF.Model(storage = s1)
Copy an existing model m1, copying the underlying Storage of m1
m2 = RDF.Model(model = m1)
Create a model using an in-memory storage.
m3 = RDF.Model()
- __iter__(self)
- __len__(self)
- __str__(self)
- __unicode__(self)
- add(self, subject, predicate, object)
- Add the statement (subject,predicate,object) to the model.
DEPRECATED. Use Model.append(Statement(s,p,o)) instead.
- add_statement(self, statement, context=None)
- Add the Statement to the Model with optional context Node.
For Python idiom you should use Model.append() instead, which does
the same thing.
- add_statements(self, statement_stream, context=None)
- Add the Stream of Statements to the Model with the optional
context Node
- add_typed_literal_statement(self, subject, predicate, string, xml_language=None, datatype=None)
- Add the Statement (subject,predicate, typed literal) to the Model
where the typed literal is constructed from the
literal string, optional XML language and optional datatype URI.
DEPRECATED. Use Model.append(Statement(s,p,o)) instead.
- append(self, statement, context=None)
- Append a Statement to the Model, with optional context Node.
model.append(Statement(s, p, o)
- arcs = get_predicates(self, source, target)
- as_stream(self, context=None)
- Return the Model as a Stream of Statements. No need to use
this explicitly, instead do:
for statement in model:
# process statement
- as_stream_context(self, context=None)
- Return the Model as a Stream of (statement, context) tuples.
for (s, c) in model.as_stream_context():
# do whatever
Specify the optional argument context if you want to hardwire
the stream's context.
- contains_statement(self, statement)
- Return true if the Statement is in the Model
- contains_statement_context(self, statement, context)
- Return true if the Statement is in the Model with the specified
context. Note that the implementation is pretty inefficient.
- context_remove_statements = remove_statements_with_context(self, context)
- execute(self, query)
- find_statements(self, statement, context=None)
- Return a Stream of Statements matching the given Statement --
any nodes with value None of the statement match any Node in
the Model.
Specify the optional argument context if you want to search
only in one context.
qs = RDF.Statement(subject = None,
predicate = RDF.Node(uri_string = "http://example.com/pred"),
object = None)
for statement in model.find_statements(qs):
# do whatever
- find_statements_context(self, statement)
- Return a Stream of Statements with context, matching the given
Statement -- any nodes with value None of the statement match
any Node in the Model.
qs = RDF.Statement(subject = None,
predicate = RDF.Node(uri_string = "http://example.com/pred"),
object = None)
for (statement, context) in model.find_statements_context(qs):
# do whatever
- get_arc = get_predicate(self, source, target)
- get_arcs = get_predicates(self, source, target)
- get_contexts(self)
- Return a sequence of context Nodes in the Model.
- get_feature(self, uri)
- Return the Node value of Model feature URI uri
- get_predicate(self, source, target)
- Return one Node in the Model matching (source, ?, target).
The source can be a Node or Uri, the target a Node, Uri or string.
- get_predicates(self, source, target)
- Return a sequence of Nodes that are the predicates
of Statements in the Model matching (source, ?, target).
Instead of specifying a Node for source, you can shortcut with
a Uri, and with a Uri or string for target.
model.get_predicates(Uri("http://example.com/me"), "Fred")
- get_predicates_context(self, source, target)
- As for Model.get_predicates but returns a list of
(statement, context) tuples.
- get_source(self, predicate, target)
- Return one Node in the Model matching (?, predicate, target).
The predicate can be a Node or Uri, the target a Node, Uri or string.
- get_sources(self, predicate, target)
- Return a sequence of Node s that are the source
of Statements in the Model matching (?, predicate, target).
Instead of specifying a Node for predicate, you can shortcut with
a Uri, and with a Uri or string for target.
model.get_sources(Uri("http://example.com/name"), "Fred")
- get_sources_context(self, predicate, target)
- As for Model.get_sources but returns a list of
(statement, context) tuples.
- get_target(self, source, predicate)
- Return one Node in the Model matching (source, predicate, ?).
The source and predicate can be a Node or Uri.
- get_targets(self, source, predicate)
- Return a sequence of Nodes that are the targets
of Statements in the Model matching (source, predicate, ?).
Instead of specifying a Node for source or predicate, you
can shortcut with a Uri.
model.get_targets(Uri("http://example.com/me"), prednode)
- get_targets_context(self, source, predicate)
- As for Model.get_targets but returns a list of
(statement, context) tuples.
- load(self, uri, name='', mime_type='', type_uri=None, handler=None)
- Load triples into the Model from a URI in a syntax.
Returns a boolean success or failure.
If no parser name is given, the parser to use is guessed.
If handler is given, an error handler with the signature
def handler(code, level, facility, message, line, column, byte, file, uri)
is called.
- predicates = get_predicates(self, source, target)
- remove_statement(self, statement, context=None)
- Remove the Statement from the Model with the optional context Node.
This is used by the __delitem__ method. Preferred way of removing a
Statement is:
del model[statement]
del model[statement, context]
- remove_statements_with_context(self, context)
- Remove all Statements from the Model with the given context Node
- run_as_statements(self, query)
- serialise = as_stream(self, context=None)
- set_feature(self, uri, value)
- Set the Node value of Model feature URI uri.
- size(self)
- Return the size of the Model in number of statements.
Returns a value < 0 if number of statements not countable.
- sources = get_sources(self, predicate, target)
- sync(self)
- Synchronise the Model with the underlying Storage.
- targets = get_targets(self, source, predicate)
- to_string(self, base_uri=None, name='', mime_type='', type_uri=None)
- Serialize the Model to a syntax.
print model.to_string(base_uri="http://example.org/base")
If no serializer name is given, the default serializer RDF/XML is used.
Data descriptors defined here:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class NS(__builtin__.object) |
Redland Namespace Utility Class
import RDF
nspace = RDF.NS("http://example.com/foo#")
# creates an RDF Node for http://example.com/foo#blah
node1 = nspace.blah
# creates an RDF Node for http://example.com/foo#blah
node2 = nspace['blah']
A class for generating RDF Nodes with URIs from the same vocabulary
(such as XML Namespace) varying only in the appended name in
the vocabulary. Each node returned is a pointer to a shared copy.
Methods defined here:
- __getattr__(self, localName)
- __getitem__(self, localName)
- __init__(self, prefix)
Data descriptors defined here:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class NTriplesParser(Parser) |
Redland N-Triples Parser class
import RDF
- Method resolution order:
- NTriplesParser
- Parser
- __builtin__.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self)
Methods inherited from Parser:
- __del__(self)
- get_feature(self, uri)
- Return the Node value of Parser feature URI uri
- namespaces_seen(self)
- Get a dictionary of prefix/URI pairs for namespaces seen during parsing.
- parse_as_stream(self, uri, base_uri=None)
- Return a Stream of Statements from parsing the content at
a URI for the optional base URI or None if the parsing fails.
(This depends on what URI support raptor provides to redland)
for statement in parser.parse_as_stream(""):
print statement
- parse_into_model(self, model, uri, base_uri=None, handler=None)
- Parse into the Model model from the content at the URI, for
the optional base URI. Returns a boolean success or failure.
If handler is given, an error handler with the signature
def handler(code, level, facility, message, line, column, byte, file, uri)
is called.
parser.parse_into_model(model, "file:./foo.rdf",
- parse_string_as_stream(self, string, base_uri)
- Return a Stream of Statements from parsing the content in
string with the required base URI or None if the parsing fails.
for statement in parser.parse_string_as_stream(rdfstring, base_uri):
print statement
- parse_string_into_model(self, model, string, base_uri, handler=None)
- Parse into the Model model from the content string
with the required base URI. Returns a boolean success or failure.
If handler is given, an error handler with the signature
def handler(code, level, facility, message, line, column, byte, file, uri)
is called.
- set_feature(self, uri, value)
- Set the Node value of Parser feature URI uri.
- set_uri_filter(self, filter)
- Set a function for rejecting retrieval of URIs seen during parsing.
Return False or 0 to not reject the URI
def reject(uri):
if "bad" == uri:
return True
return False
Data descriptors inherited from Parser:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class NTriplesSerializer(Serializer) |
Redland N-Triples Serializer class
import RDF
- Method resolution order:
- NTriplesSerializer
- Serializer
- __builtin__.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self)
Methods inherited from Serializer:
- __del__(self)
- get_feature(self, uri)
- Return the value of Serializer feature URI uri
- serialize_model_to_file(self, name, model, base_uri=None)
- Serialize to filename name the Model model using the
optional base URI.
- serialize_model_to_string(self, model, base_uri=None)
- Serialize to a string using the optional base URI.
- serialize_stream_to_string(self, stream, base_uri=None)
- Serialize a stream to a string using the optional base URI.
- set_feature(self, uri, value)
- Set the value of Serializer feature URI uri.
- set_namespace(self, prefix, uri)
- Set a namespace prefix and URI for the Serializer to use.
Data descriptors inherited from Serializer:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class Node(__builtin__.object) |
Redland Node (RDF Resource, Property, Literal) Class
import RDF
node3=RDF.Node("Hello, World!")
node5=RDF.Node(literal="<tag>content</tag>", is_wf_xml=1)
print node2
if node7.is_resource():
print "Resource with URI", node7.uri
if node5.is_blank():
print "Resource with blank node name ", node5.blank_identifier
Methods defined here:
- __del__(self)
- Free an RDF Node (destructor).
- __eq__(self, other)
- Equality of an RDF Node compared to another RDF Node.
- __hash__(self)
- __init__(self, arg=None, **args)
- Create an RDF Node (constructor).
Resource or Property node creation:
n1 = Node(Uri("http://example.com/foo"))
String literal node creation (see below for more complex
ways of building literals.)
n2 = Node("foo")
Node copying:
n3 = Node(n1)
Or create a new RDF Node using the following named parameters:
uri_string - create a resource node from a string URI
uri - create a resource node from a URI object
literal - create a literal node from a literal string
datatype - the datatype URI
is_wf_xml - the literal is XML (alternative to datatype)
language - the literal XML language
blank - create a resource node from with a blank node identiifer
node - copy a node
- __ne__(self, other)
- Inequality of an RDF Node compared to another RDF Node.
- __str__(self)
- Get a string representation of an RDF Node.
- __unicode__(self)
- Get a Unicode string representation of an RDF Node.
- is_blank(self)
- Return true if node is a blank node
- is_literal(self)
- Return true if node is a literal
- is_resource(self)
- Return true if node is a resource with a URI
Data descriptors defined here:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
- blank
- The blank node identifier
- blank_identifier
- The node identifier of a blank node
- literal
- A tuple of the string, language and datatype values of the node
- literal_value
- A dictionary containing the value of the node literal with keys string, language and datatype
- type
- The node type, an integer
- uri
- The URI of a resource node
class Parser(__builtin__.object) |
Redland Syntax Parser Class
import RDF
parser3.parse_into_model(model, "file://dir/file.rdf", "http://example.org/")
The default parser type if not given explicitly is raptor,
for the RDF/XML syntax.
Methods defined here:
- __del__(self)
- __init__(self, name=None, mime_type=None, uri=None)
- Create an RDF Parser (constructor).
Create a new RDF Parser for a particular syntax. The parser is
chosen by the fields given to the constructor, all of which are
optional. When any are given, they must all match. The default
parser is chosen if none are given, which is RDF/XML in the
standard configuration of Raptor.
name - parser syntax name
mime_type - syntax mime type
uri - URI identifying the syntax
- get_feature(self, uri)
- Return the Node value of Parser feature URI uri
- namespaces_seen(self)
- Get a dictionary of prefix/URI pairs for namespaces seen during parsing.
- parse_as_stream(self, uri, base_uri=None)
- Return a Stream of Statements from parsing the content at
a URI for the optional base URI or None if the parsing fails.
(This depends on what URI support raptor provides to redland)
for statement in parser.parse_as_stream(""):
print statement
- parse_into_model(self, model, uri, base_uri=None, handler=None)
- Parse into the Model model from the content at the URI, for
the optional base URI. Returns a boolean success or failure.
If handler is given, an error handler with the signature
def handler(code, level, facility, message, line, column, byte, file, uri)
is called.
parser.parse_into_model(model, "file:./foo.rdf",
- parse_string_as_stream(self, string, base_uri)
- Return a Stream of Statements from parsing the content in
string with the required base URI or None if the parsing fails.
for statement in parser.parse_string_as_stream(rdfstring, base_uri):
print statement
- parse_string_into_model(self, model, string, base_uri, handler=None)
- Parse into the Model model from the content string
with the required base URI. Returns a boolean success or failure.
If handler is given, an error handler with the signature
def handler(code, level, facility, message, line, column, byte, file, uri)
is called.
- set_feature(self, uri, value)
- Set the Node value of Parser feature URI uri.
- set_uri_filter(self, filter)
- Set a function for rejecting retrieval of URIs seen during parsing.
Return False or 0 to not reject the URI
def reject(uri):
if "bad" == uri:
return True
return False
Data descriptors defined here:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class Query(__builtin__.object) |
Redland Query interface class
import RDF
q1 = RDF.Query("SELECT ?a ?c WHERE (?a dc:title ?c) USING dc FOR <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/>")
q2 = RDF.Query("- - -", query_language="triples")
q3 = RDF.Query("select $a where ...", query_language="sparql")
for result in results:
print result['a']
print result['c']
for statement in q2.execute().as_stream(model):
print statement
Methods defined here:
- __del__(self)
- __init__(self, querystring, base_uri=None, query_language='sparql', query_uri=None)
- execute(self, model)
- get_limit(self)
- get_offset(self)
- set_limit(self, limit)
- set_offset(self, offset)
Data descriptors defined here:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class RDFXMLSerializer(Serializer) |
Redland RDF/XML Serializer class
import RDF
- Method resolution order:
- RDFXMLSerializer
- Serializer
- __builtin__.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self)
Methods inherited from Serializer:
- __del__(self)
- get_feature(self, uri)
- Return the value of Serializer feature URI uri
- serialize_model_to_file(self, name, model, base_uri=None)
- Serialize to filename name the Model model using the
optional base URI.
- serialize_model_to_string(self, model, base_uri=None)
- Serialize to a string using the optional base URI.
- serialize_stream_to_string(self, stream, base_uri=None)
- Serialize a stream to a string using the optional base URI.
- set_feature(self, uri, value)
- Set the value of Serializer feature URI uri.
- set_namespace(self, prefix, uri)
- Set a namespace prefix and URI for the Serializer to use.
Data descriptors inherited from Serializer:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class Serializer(__builtin__.object) |
Redland Syntax Serializer Class
import RDF
A class for turning a Model into a syntax serialization (at present
only to local files).
Methods defined here:
- __del__(self)
- __init__(self, name=None, mime_type=None, uri=None)
- Create an RDF Serializer (constructor).
The arguments name, mime_type and uri are all optional and
when omitted the default serialization syntax is used. If
any arguments are given, they must all match for an appropriate
syntax to be chosen. For example, RDF/XML has a MIME type of
'application/rdf+xml' so this can be given with the mime_type
argument, however the N-Triples has none, so the 'ntriples' name
must be used. Most syntaxes have URIs.
- get_feature(self, uri)
- Return the value of Serializer feature URI uri
- serialize_model_to_file(self, name, model, base_uri=None)
- Serialize to filename name the Model model using the
optional base URI.
- serialize_model_to_string(self, model, base_uri=None)
- Serialize to a string using the optional base URI.
- serialize_stream_to_string(self, stream, base_uri=None)
- Serialize a stream to a string using the optional base URI.
- set_feature(self, uri, value)
- Set the value of Serializer feature URI uri.
- set_namespace(self, prefix, uri)
- Set a namespace prefix and URI for the Serializer to use.
Data descriptors defined here:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class Statement(__builtin__.object) |
Redland Statement (triple) class. The main means of manipulating
statements is by the subject, predicate and object properties.
import RDF
statement1 = RDF.Statement(node1, node2, node3)
statement2 = RDF.Statement(statement = statement1)
if statement2.subject.is_resource():
print "statement2 subject is URI ",statement2.subject.uri
statement.object = Node("hello, world")
Methods defined here:
- __del__(self)
- __eq__(self, other)
- Equality of an RDF Statement compared to another RDF Statement.
- __init__(self, subject=None, predicate=None, object=None, **args)
- Constructor for Statement.
Create a Statement from three Node objects.
s1 = RDF.Statement(subjnode, prednode, objnode)
A Node argument can be replaced with Uri or string to
shortcut Node creation.
s2 = RDF.Statement(Uri(""), Uri(""), "baz")
Copy an existing Statement s1.
s3 = RDF.Statement(statement=s1)
- __ne__(self, other)
- Inequality of an RDF Statement compared to another RDF Statement.
- __str__(self)
- __unicode__(self)
- matches(self, other)
- Comparison of this potentially incomplete RDF Statement compared to another RDF Statement.
Data descriptors defined here:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
- object
- The object node of the statement.
- predicate
- The predicate node of the statement.
- subject
- The subject node of the statement.
class Storage(__builtin__.object) |
Redland Statement Storage class
import RDF
The Redland abstraction for storing RDF graphs as Statements.
There are no user methods (can only be constructed).
You should normally use a specialized class such as MemoryStorage or
HashStorage in preference to this class.
Methods defined here:
- __del__(self)
- __init__(self, **args)
- Create an RDF Storage (constructor).
Create a new RDF Storage using any of these forms
Create a Storage of the given type. Currently the built in storage
names that are always present are 'memory', 'hashes', 'file' and
'uri'. 'bdb' is available when Sleepycat / BerkeleyDB is compiled
in, 'mysql' when MySQL is compiled in, and 'sqlite' when SQLite is
compiled in. If storage_name is omitted, it defaults to 'memory'.
The argument 'name' can be used when the storage needs a name
to operate, such as used for a filename or URI:
s1=RDF.Storage(storage_name="file", name='/filename',options_string="")
s2=RDF.Storage(storage_name="uri", name='http://rdf.example.org/',options_string="")
The required argument options_string allows additional store-specific
options to be given, some of which are required by certain stores.
This uses the following form:
s3=RDF.Storage(storage_name="name", name='abc',
options_string="key1='value1', key2='value2', ...")
for multiple key/value option pairs, option values are always
surrounded by single quotes.
The common options are:
new - optional and takes a boolean value (default false)
If true, it deletes any existing store and creates a new one
otherwise if false (default) open an existing store.
write - optional and takes a boolean value (default true)
If true (default) the Storage is opened read-write otherwise
if false the storage is opened read-only and for file-based
Storages or those with locks, may be opened with shared-readers.
Some storage types have additional options:
storage_name 'hashes' has options:
hash-type - the name of any hash type supported.
'memory' (default), 'file' hash types are always present. 'bdb' is
available when BerkeleyDB is compiled in,
dir - the directory name to create the files in (default '.')
mode - the file creation mode (default 0644 octal)
storage_name 'mysql' has options:
host - required MySQL database hostname
port - optional MySQL database port (defaults to 3306)
database - required MySQL database name
user - required MySQL database user
password - required MySQL database password
stoage name 'sqlite' has options:
synchronous - optional value off, normal or full
The other form is:
Copy an existing Storage s1.
Note: there are convience classes to create a memory storage
and Hash storage:
# memory hash
# specified bdb hash stored in files named 'def'*
s7=RDF.HashStorage('def', options="hash-type='bdb'")
Data descriptors defined here:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class Stream(__builtin__.object) |
Redland Statement Stream class
A class encapsulating a sequence of Statements, such as
those returned from a Model query. Can be used as a Python
stream = model.find_statements(query_statement)
for statement in stream:
# do whatever with 'statement'
# note it is shared and will go out of scope, so you must
# copy it if you want it to stay around
You should not normally find yourself needing to use this
class explicitly.
Methods defined here:
- __del__(self)
- __init__(self, object, creator)
- Create an RDF Stream (constructor).
- __iter__(self)
- __next__(self)
- Move to the next Statement on the Stream
- context(self)
- Return the context Node of the current object on the Stream
- context_iter(self)
- Return an iterator over this stream that
returns (stream, context) tuples each time it is iterated.
DEPRECATED. Instead use the context-aware method appropriate,
e.g. Model.find_statements_context() or Model.as_stream_context()
- current(self)
- Return the current Statement on the Stream
- end(self)
- Return true if the stream is exhausted
- next = __next__(self)
Data descriptors defined here:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class TurtleParser(Parser) |
Redland Turtle Parser class
import RDF
- Method resolution order:
- TurtleParser
- Parser
- __builtin__.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self)
Methods inherited from Parser:
- __del__(self)
- get_feature(self, uri)
- Return the Node value of Parser feature URI uri
- namespaces_seen(self)
- Get a dictionary of prefix/URI pairs for namespaces seen during parsing.
- parse_as_stream(self, uri, base_uri=None)
- Return a Stream of Statements from parsing the content at
a URI for the optional base URI or None if the parsing fails.
(This depends on what URI support raptor provides to redland)
for statement in parser.parse_as_stream(""):
print statement
- parse_into_model(self, model, uri, base_uri=None, handler=None)
- Parse into the Model model from the content at the URI, for
the optional base URI. Returns a boolean success or failure.
If handler is given, an error handler with the signature
def handler(code, level, facility, message, line, column, byte, file, uri)
is called.
parser.parse_into_model(model, "file:./foo.rdf",
- parse_string_as_stream(self, string, base_uri)
- Return a Stream of Statements from parsing the content in
string with the required base URI or None if the parsing fails.
for statement in parser.parse_string_as_stream(rdfstring, base_uri):
print statement
- parse_string_into_model(self, model, string, base_uri, handler=None)
- Parse into the Model model from the content string
with the required base URI. Returns a boolean success or failure.
If handler is given, an error handler with the signature
def handler(code, level, facility, message, line, column, byte, file, uri)
is called.
- set_feature(self, uri, value)
- Set the Node value of Parser feature URI uri.
- set_uri_filter(self, filter)
- Set a function for rejecting retrieval of URIs seen during parsing.
Return False or 0 to not reject the URI
def reject(uri):
if "bad" == uri:
return True
return False
Data descriptors inherited from Parser:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class Uri(__builtin__.object) |
Redland URI Class
import RDF
uri1 = RDF.Uri("http://example.com/")
uri2 = RDF.Uri(uri1)
Methods defined here:
- __del__(self)
- __eq__(self, other)
- Equality of RDF URI to another RDF URI.
- __hash__(self)
- __init__(self, arg=None, **args)
- Create an RDF URI (constructor).
Creates a new RDF URI from either of the following forms:
uri1 = RDF.Uri("http://example.com/")
Create a URI from the given string.
uri2 = RDF.Uri(uri1)
Copy an existing URI uri1.
- __ne__(self, other)
- Inequality of RDF URI to another RDF URI.
- __str__(self)
- Get a string representation of an RDF URI.
- __unicode__(self)
- Get a Unicode string representation of an RDF URI.
Data descriptors defined here:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Functions |
- debug(value=None)
- Get/set Redland debugging output status.
RDF.debug (1) # enable debugging
if RDF.debug(): # test for debug mode
Data |
__all__ = ['Node', 'Statement', 'Model', 'Iterator', 'Serializer', 'NTriplesSerializer', 'RDFXMLSerializer', 'Stream', 'Storage', 'MemoryStorage', 'HashStorage', 'Uri', 'Parser', 'TurtleParser', 'NTriplesParser', 'NS', 'Query', 'RDQLQuery', 'SPARQLQuery', 'debug']
__author__ = 'Dave Beckett - http://www.dajobe.org/, Edd Dumbi...sefulinc.com> and Matt Biddulph <mb@picdiary.com>'
__date__ = '$Date$'
__version__ = '1.1' |
Author |
Dave Beckett - http://www.dajobe.org/, Edd Dumbill <edd@usefulinc.com> and Matt Biddulph <mb@picdiary.com> |
(C) Copyright (C) 2000-2014 Dave Beckett, Copyright (C) 2000-2005 University of Bristol