
Dave Beckett

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since 2005.


(See DOAP Project)

Programs Using the Libraries

A list of applications that use Redland or Raptor. I'm interested to know what they are being used for, even if you don't want to have it publicised here.
-- Dave


ActiveRDF : "putting the semantic web on rails" by Eyal Oren and Renaud Delbru from DERI in collaboration with the TecWeb Lab at PUC-Rio
Uses Redland's Ruby API as one backend store to the library providing an RDF data layer in Ruby-on-Rails (RoR) similar to the built-in ActiveRecord mapping for relational databases. (Updated 2006-03-28)
Amaya 8.2, W3C
Version 8.2 onwards uses Redland as the RDF system for annotations with Annotea. See Amaya New Features for updates.
Brivo Access Control System (ACS)
Cross-compiled for the the embedded AXIS Linux board running an ETRAX processor as well as on x86 Linux.
Chumpologica RSS feed combiner by Matt Biddulph
A webpage (and RSS 1.0 feed) that aggregates entries from blogs written by several weblogs using Redland to do the merging via the Redland Python API.
Fastboot, Leni Mayo
A system to help general-purpose operating systems boot faster by analysing system dependencies as a graph and running independent tasks in parallel.
Flexomatic / Indyvoter by the Flexomatic developers
An open source social networking software for political activists. Uses Redland to store, manipulate and query the data all modelled in RDF. Flexomatic uses Redland via the Class::Redland wrapper over the Redland Perl API.
FOAFBot: IRC Community Support Agent, Edd Dumbill
An IRC bot that provides access to a knowledge base created by spidering FOAF files.
FoaF Explorer, Morten Frederiksen
A web-based browser for FOAF (and other RDF) webs, using knowledge of the FOAF vocabulary terms. The web interface uses Redland from PHP and the data is stored using the Redland MySQL storage written by Morten.
Julie IRC bot by Chris Schmidt
Written using Redland's Python bindings and relies on support for querying with RDQL to provide dynamic actions such as adding new commands as aliases for RDQL queries, loading and reloading data on demand., Maryland Information and Network Dynamics Lab (MIND) Semantic Web Agents Project
All of the RDF we use to create the page is stored in Redland for easy access. This eliminates the need to download and parse RDF files each time a page is requested. Architecture Description
MEG / CORES registry Dave Beckett and SZTAKI
A registry of shared metadata vocabularies and application profiles. Initial development by Dave Beckett for the MEG registry project, updated by SZTAKI for the CORES registry. See the CORES installation guide and CORES developer's manual.
Picdiary by Matt Biddulph
The website is made by Redland from an RDF triple store (Berkeley DB) that aggregates the content in multiple RSS 1.0 files. The web pages are delivered by traversing the graph and filling in HTML templates.
WSE-RDN, Dave Beckett
Redland was designed for this RDF-based project that provides a combined service over digital library and web crawled data. See Web Search Environments - Web Crawling High-Quality Metadata using RDF and Dublin Core and The Design and Implementation of the Redland librdf RDF API Library (WWW10 paper).
Uses Redland to write FOAF


3store, Nicholas Gibbins and Steven Harris, AKT project, University of Southampton
Uses Raptor for parsing.
Amaya Editor/Browser, W3C
Version 7.0 onwards uses Raptor as the RDF/XML parser for annotations. See libraptor in the Amaya CVS tree.
Fabl native programming language for the Semantic Web by Chris Good, Map Bureau
Uses Raptor to provide RDF/XML, N-Triples, Turtle and RSS Tag Soup parsing for the language.
FOAFwhite, Dan Brickley
Uses Raptor for parsing.
Foafnaut, Jim Ley
Uses Raptor for parsing in several FOAF applications.
RDF Gateway and Infered, by Intellidimension
This is a platform for Semantic Web applications providing an application server, web server and deductive RDF database server. It uses Raptor on Win32.
"We use Raptor in our inet dataservice (a data connector) to parse RDF and N-Triples documents."
-- Geoff Chappell, Intellidimension, Alan Cox
Uses Raptor's RSS tag soup and RDF/XML parsers to read the Linux RSS feeds into the aggregator. (see Copyright)
liblrdf, Steve Harris,
A lightweight RDF library (in memory) describing Linux Audio Developer's Simple Plugin API (LADSPA) plugins - primarily intended to be used by LADSPA plugin developers. There are several LADSPA apps that indirectly use Raptor via liblrdf.
RDFDB/win32 (0.47 mod 9.1+) by Jasper van de Gronde
Raptor is used in this highly modified port of the original RDFDB to Win32 to provide RDF/XML, N-Triples and Turtle parsing as well as WWW retrieval via Raptor's use of libcurl. RDFDB/win32 supports the related MDDB system for building a personal MetaData DataBase for music.
RDFMapper by Map Bureau
Raptor handles the RDF/XML parsing for the RDFMapper web service.
Semitar by Rich Kilmer and Chad Fowle
A pure Ruby semantic web library that uses Raptor to provide faster parsing.
Pearl Comments by Pearl Crescent
Commercial application for teams that create and maintain web sites. Uses Raptor server side.