Redland librdf Language Bindings - Perl RDF::Redland::Storage Class
RDF::Redland::Storage - Redland RDF Storage Class
use RDF::Redland;
my $storage=new RDF::Redland::Storage("hashes", "test", "new='yes',hash-type='memory'");
Create objects for storing RDF::Redland::Model objects either persistently or in memory.
Create a new RDF::Redland::Storage object for the storage factory named STORAGE_NAME with storage named NAME and storage options OPTIONS_STRING which are specific to the storage factory type.
The storage options may be given either as a Perl hash or as a string. The string form are formatted in the form key1='value1',key2='value2' and the single quotes are required. The Perl hash form follows normal Perl conventions, and the boolean options use normal Perl concepts of truth.
Currently defined storage options:
- new='yes'
Create a new storage erasing any existing one (boolean, default).
- write='yes'
Provide write access to store (boolean, default) otherwise is read only.
- dir='DIR'
Work in DIR directory when creating files.
- mode='MODE'
File creation mode, default is (octal) 0644 Takes decimal (123), hex (0x123) or octal (0123).
- contexts='yes'
Enable statement contexts. Each statement can be stored with an optional context Node and the context retrieved after queries. Boolean.
- hash-type='TYPE' (hashes storage only)
Use the TYPE hash-type for hashes storage. Current defined types are 'memory' and 'bdb' but is dependent on the hash factories available.
- index-predicates='yes' (hashes storage only)
Enable indexing from predicates to (subject,object) which can in particular be useful for rdf:type relations. Boolean.
- bulk='no' (mysql storage only)
Whether model/storage method add_statements should be optimized, until a model/storage sync operation. Boolean.
- merge='no' (mysql storage only)
Whether to maintain a table with merged models. Boolean.
Example, string form:
$storage=new RDF::Redland::Storage("hashes", "test",
Example, Perl hash form:
$storage=new RDF::Redland::Storage("hashes", "test",
Creates a new storage of the hashes type (indexed hashes) named test (these will be file names or URIs if the storage is persistent) and with options new='yes',hash-type='bdb',dir='.' so a new storage is created with BerkeleyDB (BDB) key:value hashes i.e. persistent and in the current directory.
Example, Perl hash form:
$storage=new RDF::Redland::Storage("mysql", "test", {host=>'localhost',database=>'testdb',user=>'testuser',new=>0,password=>'',contexts=>1});
Uses an existing storage of the mysql type, named test on localhost with database name testdb using a user testuser and no password. Contexts are enabled.
- new_from_storage STORAGE
Create a new RDF::Redland::Storage object from RDF::Redland::Storage STORAGE (copy constructor). The new storage may have a new name chosen by the storage factory.
the RDF::Redland::Model manpage
Dave Beckett -
(C) Copyright (C) 2000-2011 Dave Beckett, (C) Copyright (C) 2000-2005 University of Bristol