![]() |
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int raptor_avltree_add
(raptor_avltree* tree, void* p_data)
int raptor_avltree_delete
(raptor_avltree* tree, void* p_data)
void* raptor_avltree_iterator_get
(raptor_avltree_iterator* iterator)
int raptor_avltree_iterator_is_end
(raptor_avltree_iterator* iterator)
int raptor_avltree_iterator_next
(raptor_avltree_iterator* iterator)
int raptor_avltree_print
(raptor_avltree* tree, FILE* stream)
void* raptor_avltree_remove
(raptor_avltree* tree, void* p_data)
void* raptor_avltree_search
(raptor_avltree* tree, const void* p_data)
void raptor_avltree_set_print_handler
(raptor_avltree* tree, raptor_data_print_handler print_handler)
int raptor_avltree_size
(raptor_avltree* tree)
int raptor_avltree_visit
(raptor_avltree* tree, raptor_avltree_visit_handler visit_handler, void* user_data)
const char* raptor_domain_get_label
(raptor_domain domain)
void raptor_free_avltree
(raptor_avltree* tree)
void raptor_free_avltree_iterator
(raptor_avltree_iterator* iterator)
void raptor_free_option_description
(raptor_option_description* option_description)
void raptor_free_statement
(raptor_statement *statement)
void raptor_free_term
(raptor_term *term)
const char* raptor_log_level_get_label
(raptor_log_level level)
raptor_avltree* raptor_new_avltree
(raptor_data_compare_handler compare_handler, raptor_data_free_handler free_handler, unsigned int flags)
raptor_avltree_iterator* raptor_new_avltree_iterator
(raptor_avltree* tree, void* range, raptor_data_free_handler range_free_handler, int direction)
raptor_sequence* raptor_new_sequence_with_context
(raptor_data_context_free_handler* free_handler, raptor_data_context_print_handler* print_handler, void* handler_context)
raptor_statement* raptor_new_statement
(raptor_world *world)
raptor_statement* raptor_new_statement_from_nodes
(raptor_world* world, raptor_term *subject, raptor_term *predicate, raptor_term *object, raptor_term *graph)
raptor_term* raptor_new_term_from_blank
(raptor_world* world, const unsigned char* blank)
raptor_term* raptor_new_term_from_counted_blank
(raptor_world* world, const unsigned char* blank, size_t length)
raptor_term* raptor_new_term_from_counted_literal
(raptor_world* world, const unsigned char* literal, size_t literal_len, raptor_uri* datatype, const unsigned char* language, unsigned char language_len)
raptor_term* raptor_new_term_from_literal
(raptor_world* world, const unsigned char* literal, raptor_uri* datatype, const unsigned char* language)
raptor_term* raptor_new_term_from_uri
(raptor_world* world, raptor_uri* uri)
raptor_uri* raptor_new_uri_from_counted_string
(raptor_world* world, const unsigned char* uri_string, size_t length)
const char* raptor_option_get_value_type_label
(const raptor_option_value_type type)
raptor_uri* raptor_parser_get_graph
(raptor_parser* rdf_parser)
int raptor_parser_parse_iostream
(raptor_parser* rdf_parser, raptor_iostream *iostr, raptor_uri *base_uri)
int raptor_serializer_flush
(raptor_serializer *rdf_serializer)
raptor_syntax_description* raptor_serializer_get_description
(raptor_serializer* rdf_serializer)
void raptor_statement_clear
(raptor_statement *statement)
raptor_statement* raptor_statement_copy
(raptor_statement *statement)
int raptor_statement_equals
(const raptor_statement* s1, const raptor_statement* s2)
void raptor_statement_init
(raptor_statement *statement, raptor_world *world)
int raptor_syntax_description_validate
(raptor_syntax_description* desc)
int raptor_term_compare
(const raptor_term *t1, const raptor_term *t2)
raptor_term* raptor_term_copy
(raptor_term* term)
int raptor_term_equals
(raptor_term* term1, raptor_term* term2)
int raptor_term_ntriples_write
(const raptor_term *term, raptor_iostream* iostr)
unsigned char* raptor_term_to_counted_string
(raptor_term *term, size_t* len_p)
unsigned char* raptor_term_to_string
(raptor_term *term)
raptor_world* raptor_uri_get_world
(raptor_uri *uri)
unsigned char* raptor_world_generate_bnodeid
(raptor_world *world)
raptor_option_description* raptor_world_get_option_description
(raptor_world* world, const raptor_domain domain, const raptor_option option)
int raptor_world_is_parser_name
(raptor_world* world, const char* name)
int raptor_world_set_log_handler
(raptor_world *world, void *user_data, raptor_log_handler handler)
raptor_compare_strings - Trivial utility function removed.
raptor_copy_identifier - Use raptor_term_copy
() with raptor_term objects.
raptor_error_handlers_init - Replaced by generic raptor log mechanism. See raptor_world_set_log_handler
raptor_error_handlers_init_v2 - Replaced by generic raptor log mechanism. See raptor_world_set_log_handler
raptor_feature_value_type - Use raptor_world_get_option_description
() for the option and access the value_type field.
raptor_finish - Use raptor_free_world
() with raptor_world object.
raptor_free_identifier - Use raptor_free_term
() with raptor_term objects.
raptor_init - Use raptor_new_world
() to create a new raptor_world object.
raptor_iostream_get_bytes_written_count - Deprecated for raptor_iostream_tell
raptor_iostream_write_string_turtle - Deprecated for raptor_string_python_write
raptor_new_identifier - Replaced by raptor_new_term_from_blank
(), raptor_new_term_from_literal
() or raptor_new_term_from_blank
() and raptor_term class.
raptor_new_identifier_v2 - Replaced by raptor_new_term_from_blank
(), raptor_new_term_from_literal
() or raptor_new_term_from_blank
() and raptor_term class.
raptor_ntriples_string_as_utf8_string - Deprecated internal debug function.
raptor_ntriples_term_as_string - Deprecated internal debug function.
raptor_print_ntriples_string - Use raptor_string_ntriples_write
() with a raptor_iostream
raptor_print_statement_detailed - Deprecated internal function.
raptor_sequence_print_string - Trivial utility function removed.
raptor_sequence_print_uri - Deprecated for raptor_uri_print
raptor_sequence_set_print_handler - Use the argument in the raptor_new_sequence
() constructor instead.
raptor_sequence_set_print_handler_v2 - Use the argument in the raptor_new_sequence
() constructor instead.
raptor_serializer_set_error_handler - Replaced by raptor_world_set_log_handler
() on the raptor_world object.
raptor_serializer_set_warning_handler - Replaced by raptor_world_set_log_handler
() on the raptor_world object.
raptor_set_error_handler - Replaced by raptor_world_set_log_handler
() on the raptor_world object.
raptor_set_fatal_error_handler - Replaced by raptor_world_set_log_handler
() on the raptor_world object.
raptor_set_parser_strict - Replaced by raptor_parser_set_option
raptor_set_warning_handler - Replaced by raptor_world_set_log_handler
() on the raptor_world object.
raptor_statement_part_as_counted_string - Better done via methods of raptor_term class such as raptor_term_to_counted_string
raptor_statement_part_as_counted_string_v2 - Better done via methods of raptor_term class such as raptor_term_to_counted_string
raptor_statement_part_as_string - Better done via methods of raptor_term class such as raptor_term_to_string
raptor_statement_part_as_string_v2 - Better done via methods of raptor_term class such as raptor_term_to_string
raptor_uri_get_handler - Entire URI implementation is internal and not replaceable.
raptor_uri_get_handler_v2 - Entire URI implementation is internal and not replaceable.
raptor_uri_set_handler - Entire URI implementation is internal and not replaceable.
raptor_uri_set_handler_v2 - Entire URI implementation is internal and not replaceable.
raptor_www_finish - No need for this to be public.
raptor_www_finish_v2 - No need for this to be public.
raptor_www_init - No need for this to be public.
raptor_www_init_v2 - No need for this to be public.
raptor_www_no_www_library_init_finish - Deprecated for raptor_world_set_flag
raptor_www_no_www_library_init_finish_v2 - Deprecated for raptor_world_set_flag
raptor_www_set_error_handler - Replaced by raptor_world_set_log_handler
() on the raptor_world object.
raptor_error_handlers - Replaced by generic raptor log mechanism. See raptor_world_set_log_handler
raptor_free_uri_func - Entire URI implementation is internal and not replaceable.
raptor_libxml_flags - replaced by raptor_world_set_flags
() with raptor_world_flag
raptor_message_handler - Replaced by generic raptor log mechanism. See raptor_world_set_log_handler
raptor_message_handler_closure - Replaced by generic raptor log mechanism. See raptor_world_set_log_handler
raptor_new_uri_for_rdf_concept_func - Entire URI implementation is internal and not replaceable.
raptor_new_uri_from_uri_local_name_func - Entire URI implementation is internal and not replaceable.
raptor_new_uri_func - Entire URI implementation is internal and not replaceable.
raptor_new_uri_relative_to_base_func - Entire URI implementation is internal and not replaceable.
raptor_ntriples_parser - replaced by raptor_parser
raptor_ntriples_term_type - replaced by raptor_term_type
raptor_uri_as_counted_string_func - Entire URI implementation is internal and not replaceable.
raptor_uri_as_string_func - Entire URI implementation is internal and not replaceable.
raptor_uri_compare_func - Entire URI implementation is internal and not replaceable.
raptor_uri_copy_func - Entire URI implementation is internal and not replaceable.
raptor_uri_equals_func - Entire URI implementation is internal and not replaceable.
raptor_uri_handler - Entire URI implementation is internal and not replaceable.
raptor_uri_source - URI source was useless.
RAPTOR_GENID_TYPE_BAGID - There is just one type of generated ID now.
RAPTOR_GENID_TYPE_BNODEID - There is just one type of generated ID now.
RAPTOR_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_ORDINAL - Deprecated value deleted.
RAPTOR_URI_SOURCE_ATTRIBUTE - URI source concept removed.
RAPTOR_URI_SOURCE_BLANK_ID - URI source concept removed.
RAPTOR_URI_SOURCE_ELEMENT - URI source concept removed.
RAPTOR_URI_SOURCE_GENERATED - URI source concept removed.
RAPTOR_URI_SOURCE_ID - URI source concept removed.
RAPTOR_URI_SOURCE_NOT_URI - URI source concept removed.
RAPTOR_URI_SOURCE_UNKNOWN - URI source concept removed.
RAPTOR_URI_SOURCE_URI - URI source concept removed.
1.4.21 enum | 2.0.0 enum | Notes |
1.4.21 function | 2.0.0 function | Notes |
raptor_feature raptor_feature_from_uri(raptor_uri *uri) | raptor_option raptor_world_get_option_from_uri (raptor_world* world, raptor_uri *uri) | |
raptor_feature raptor_feature_from_uri_v2(raptor_world* world, raptor_uri *uri) | raptor_option raptor_world_get_option_from_uri (raptor_world* world, raptor_uri *uri) | |
int raptor_features_enumerate(const raptor_feature feature, const char* *name, raptor_uri **uri, const char* *label) | raptor_option_description* raptor_world_get_option_description (raptor_world* world, const raptor_domain domain, const raptor_option option) | Call with domain = RAPTOR_DOMAIN_PARSER
int raptor_features_enumerate_v2(raptor_world* world, const raptor_feature feature, const char* *name, raptor_uri **uri, const char* *label) | raptor_option_description* raptor_world_get_option_description (raptor_world* world, const raptor_domain domain, const raptor_option option) | Call with domain = RAPTOR_DOMAIN_PARSER
int raptor_format_locator_v2(raptor_world* world, char* buffer, size_t length, raptor_locator* locator) | int raptor_locator_format (char* buffer, size_t length, raptor_locator* locator) | |
void raptor_free_uri_v2(raptor_world* world, raptor_uri *uri) | void raptor_free_uri (raptor_uri *uri) | |
int raptor_get_feature(raptor_parser *parser, raptor_feature feature) | int raptor_parser_get_option (raptor_parser *parser, raptor_option option, char** string_p, int* integer_p) | |
const char* raptor_get_label(raptor_parser *rdf_parser) | raptor_syntax_description* raptor_parser_get_description (raptor_parser* rdf_parser) | Use label field of returned description. |
const char* raptor_get_mime_type(raptor_parser *rdf_parser) | raptor_syntax_description* raptor_parser_get_description (raptor_parser* rdf_parser) | Use the mime_types array field of returned raptor_syntax_description |
int raptor_get_need_base_uri(raptor_parser *rdf_parser) | raptor_syntax_description* raptor_parser_get_description (raptor_parser* rdf_parser) | Use the RAPTOR_SYNTAX_NEED_BASE_URI bitflag in the flags field of the returned raptor_syntax_description
const char* raptor_guess_parser_name(raptor_uri *uri, const char* mime_type, const unsigned char* buffer, size_t len, const unsigned char* identifier) | const char* raptor_world_guess_parser_name (raptor_world* world, raptor_uri *uri, const char* mime_type, const unsigned char* buffer, size_t len, const unsigned char* identifier) | |
int raptor_iostream_format_hexadecimal(raptor_iostream* iostr, unsigned int integer, int width) | int raptor_iostream_hexadecimal_write (unsigned int integer, int width, raptor_iostream* iostr) | |
int raptor_iostream_read_bytes(raptor_iostream* iostr, void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb) | int raptor_iostream_read_bytes (void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, raptor_iostream* iostr) | |
int raptor_iostream_write_byte(raptor_iostream *iostr, const int byte) | int raptor_iostream_write_byte (const int byte, raptor_iostream *iostr) | |
int raptor_iostream_write_bytes(raptor_iostream *iostr, const void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb) | int raptor_iostream_write_bytes (const void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, raptor_iostream *iostr) | |
int raptor_iostream_write_counted_string(raptor_iostream *iostr, const void *string, size_t len) | int raptor_iostream_counted_string_write (const void *string, size_t len, raptor_iostream *iostr) | |
int raptor_iostream_write_decimal(raptor_iostream* iostr, int integer) | int raptor_iostream_decimal_write (int integer, raptor_iostream* iostr) | |
void raptor_iostream_write_end(raptor_iostream *iostr) | int raptor_iostream_write_end (raptor_iostream *iostr) | |
int raptor_iostream_write_namespace(raptor_iostream* iostr, raptor_namespace *ns) | int raptor_namespace_write (raptor_namespace *ns, raptor_iostream* iostr) | |
int raptor_iostream_write_qname(raptor_iostream* iostr, raptor_qname *qname) | int raptor_qname_write (raptor_qname *qname, raptor_iostream* iostr) | |
void raptor_iostream_write_statement_ntriples(raptor_iostream* iostr, const raptor_statement *statement) | int raptor_statement_ntriples_write (const raptor_statement *statement, raptor_iostream* iostr, int write_graph_term) | Gains extra flag arg to decide whether to write any graph term. |
int raptor_iostream_write_string(raptor_iostream *iostr, const void *string) | int raptor_iostream_string_write (const void *string, raptor_iostream *iostr) | |
int raptor_iostream_write_string_ntriples(raptor_iostream *iostr, const unsigned char* string, size_t len, const char delim) | int raptor_string_ntriples_write (const unsigned char* string, size_t len, const char delim, raptor_iostream *iostr) | |
int raptor_iostream_write_string_python(raptor_iostream *iostr, const unsigned char* string, size_t len, const char delim, int flags) | int raptor_string_python_write (const unsigned char* string, size_t len, const char delim, int flags, raptor_iostream *iostr) | |
int raptor_iostream_write_stringbuffer(raptor_iostream* iostr, raptor_stringbuffer *sb) | int raptor_stringbuffer_write (raptor_stringbuffer *sb, raptor_iostream* iostr) | |
int raptor_iostream_write_uri(raptor_iostream *iostr, raptor_uri *uri) | int raptor_uri_write (raptor_uri *uri, raptor_iostream *iostr) | |
int raptor_iostream_write_uri_v2(raptor_world* world, raptor_iostream *iostr, raptor_uri *uri) | int raptor_uri_write (raptor_uri *uri, raptor_iostream *iostr) | |
int raptor_iostream_write_xml_any_escaped_string(raptor_iostream* iostr, const unsigned char* string, size_t len, char quote, int xml_version, raptor_simple_message_handler error_handler, void *error_data) | int raptor_xml_escape_string_any_write (const unsigned char* string, size_t len, char quote, int xml_version, raptor_iostream* iostr) | |
int raptor_iostream_write_xml_element(raptor_iostream *iostr, raptor_xml_element *element, raptor_namespace_stack *nstack, int is_empty, int is_end, raptor_simple_message_handler error_handler, void *error_data, int depth) | int raptor_xml_element_write (raptor_xml_element *element, raptor_namespace_stack *nstack, int is_empty, int is_end, int depth, raptor_iostream *iostr) | |
int raptor_iostream_write_xml_escaped_string(raptor_iostream* iostr, const unsigned char* string, size_t len, char quote, raptor_simple_message_handler error_handler, void *error_data) | int raptor_xml_escape_string_write (const unsigned char* string, size_t len, char quote, raptor_iostream* iostr) | |
const char* raptor_locator_uri_v2(raptor_world* world, raptor_locator *locator) | const char* raptor_locator_uri (raptor_locator *locator) | |
int raptor_namespaces_init(raptor_namespace_stack *nstack, const raptor_uri_handler *uri_handler, void *uri_context, raptor_simple_message_handler error_handler, void *error_data, int defaults) | int raptor_namespaces_init (raptor_world* world, raptor_namespace_stack *nstack, int defaults) | |
int raptor_namespaces_init_v2(raptor_world* world, raptor_namespace_stack *nstack, raptor_simple_message_handler error_handler, void *error_data, int defaults) | int raptor_namespaces_init (raptor_world* world, raptor_namespace_stack *nstack, int defaults) | |
raptor_iostream* raptor_new_iostream_from_file_handle(FILE *handle) | raptor_iostream* raptor_new_iostream_from_file_handle (raptor_world* world, FILE *handle) | |
raptor_iostream* raptor_new_iostream_from_filename(const char* filename) | raptor_iostream* raptor_new_iostream_from_filename (raptor_world* world, const char* filename) | |
raptor_iostream* raptor_new_iostream_from_handler(void *context, const raptor_iostream_handler *handler) | raptor_iostream* raptor_new_iostream_from_handler (raptor_world* world, void *user_data, const raptor_iostream_handler* const handler) | |
raptor_iostream* raptor_new_iostream_from_handler2(void *user_data, const raptor_iostream_handler2* const handler2) | raptor_iostream* raptor_new_iostream_from_handler (raptor_world* world, void *user_data, const raptor_iostream_handler* const handler) | |
raptor_iostream* raptor_new_iostream_from_sink(void) | raptor_iostream* raptor_new_iostream_from_sink (raptor_world* world) | |
raptor_iostream* raptor_new_iostream_from_string(void *string, size_t length) | raptor_iostream* raptor_new_iostream_from_string (raptor_world* world, void *string, size_t length) | |
raptor_iostream* raptor_new_iostream_to_file_handle(FILE *handle) | raptor_iostream* raptor_new_iostream_to_file_handle (raptor_world* world, FILE *handle) | |
raptor_iostream* raptor_new_iostream_to_filename(const char* filename) | raptor_iostream* raptor_new_iostream_to_filename (raptor_world* world, const char* filename) | |
raptor_iostream* raptor_new_iostream_to_sink(void) | raptor_iostream* raptor_new_iostream_to_sink (raptor_world* world) | |
raptor_iostream* raptor_new_iostream_to_string(void **string_p, size_t *length_p, void *(*malloc_handler)(size_t size)) | raptor_iostream* raptor_new_iostream_to_string (raptor_world* world, void **string_p, size_t *length_p, void *(*malloc_handler)(size_t size)) | |
raptor_namespace_stack* raptor_new_namespaces(const raptor_uri_handler *uri_handler, void *uri_context, raptor_simple_message_handler error_handler, void *error_data, int defaults) | raptor_namespace_stack* raptor_new_namespaces (raptor_world* world, int defaults) | |
raptor_namespace_stack* raptor_new_namespaces_v2(raptor_world* world, raptor_simple_message_handler error_handler, void *error_data, int defaults) | raptor_namespace_stack* raptor_new_namespaces (raptor_world* world, int defaults) | |
raptor_parser* raptor_new_parser(const char* name) | raptor_parser* raptor_new_parser (raptor_world* world, const char* name) | |
raptor_parser* raptor_new_parser_for_content(raptor_uri *uri, const char* mime_type, const unsigned char* buffer, size_t len, const unsigned char* identifier) | raptor_parser* raptor_new_parser_for_content (raptor_world* world, raptor_uri *uri, const char* mime_type, const unsigned char* buffer, size_t len, const unsigned char* identifier) | |
raptor_qname* raptor_new_qname(raptor_namespace_stack *nstack, const unsigned char* name, const unsigned char* value, raptor_simple_message_handler error_handler, void *error_data) | raptor_qname* raptor_new_qname (raptor_namespace_stack *nstack, const unsigned char* name, const unsigned char* value) | |
raptor_qname* raptor_new_qname_from_namespace_local_name(raptor_namespace *ns, const unsigned char* local_name, const unsigned char* value) | raptor_qname* raptor_new_qname_from_namespace_local_name (raptor_world* world, raptor_namespace *ns, const unsigned char* local_name, const unsigned char* value) | |
raptor_sax2* raptor_new_sax2(void *user_data, raptor_error_handlers* error_handlers) | raptor_sax2* raptor_new_sax2 (raptor_world *world, raptor_locator *locator, void* user_data) | |
raptor_sequence* raptor_new_sequence(raptor_sequence_free_handler* free_handler, raptor_sequence_print_handler* print_handler) | raptor_sequence* raptor_new_sequence (raptor_data_free_handler free_handler, raptor_data_print_handler print_handler) | |
raptor_sequence* raptor_new_sequence_v2(raptor_sequence_free_handler_v2* free_handler, raptor_sequence_print_handler_v2* print_handler, void* handler_context) | raptor_sequence* raptor_new_sequence (raptor_data_free_handler free_handler, raptor_data_print_handler print_handler) | |
raptor_serializer* raptor_new_serializer(const char* name) | raptor_serializer* raptor_new_serializer (raptor_world* world, const char* name) | |
raptor_uri* raptor_new_uri(const unsigned char* uri_string) | raptor_uri* raptor_new_uri (raptor_world* world, const unsigned char* uri_string) | |
raptor_uri* raptor_new_uri_for_rdf_concept(const char* name) | raptor_uri* raptor_new_uri_for_rdf_concept (raptor_world* world, const unsigned char* name) | |
raptor_uri* raptor_new_uri_for_rdf_concept_v2(raptor_world* world, const char* name) | raptor_uri* raptor_new_uri_for_rdf_concept (raptor_world* world, const unsigned char* name) | |
raptor_uri* raptor_new_uri_for_retrieval_v2(raptor_world* world, raptor_uri* old_uri) | raptor_uri* raptor_new_uri_for_retrieval (raptor_uri* old_uri) | |
raptor_uri* raptor_new_uri_for_xmlbase_v2(raptor_world* world, raptor_uri* old_uri) | raptor_uri* raptor_new_uri_for_xmlbase (raptor_uri* old_uri) | |
raptor_uri* raptor_new_uri_from_id(raptor_uri *base_uri, const unsigned char* id) | raptor_uri* raptor_new_uri_from_id (raptor_world* world, raptor_uri *base_uri, const unsigned char* id) | |
raptor_uri* raptor_new_uri_from_uri_local_name(raptor_uri *uri, const unsigned char* local_name) | raptor_uri* raptor_new_uri_from_uri_local_name (raptor_world* world, raptor_uri *uri, const unsigned char* local_name) | |
raptor_uri* raptor_new_uri_relative_to_base(raptor_uri *base_uri, const unsigned char* uri_string) | raptor_uri* raptor_new_uri_relative_to_base (raptor_world* world, raptor_uri *base_uri, const unsigned char* uri_string) | |
raptor_xml_writer* raptor_new_xml_writer(raptor_namespace_stack *nstack, const raptor_uri_handler *uri_handler, void *uri_context, raptor_iostream* iostr, raptor_simple_message_handler error_handler, void *error_data, int canonicalize) | raptor_xml_writer* raptor_new_xml_writer (raptor_world* world, raptor_namespace_stack *nstack, raptor_iostream* iostr) | |
raptor_xml_writer* raptor_new_xml_writer_v2(raptor_world* world, raptor_namespace_stack *nstack, raptor_iostream* iostr, raptor_simple_message_handler error_handler, void *error_data, int canonicalize) | raptor_xml_writer* raptor_new_xml_writer (raptor_world* world, raptor_namespace_stack *nstack, raptor_iostream* iostr) | |
const unsigned char* raptor_parser_get_feature_string(raptor_parser *parser, raptor_feature feature) | const unsigned char* raptor_parser_get_option (raptor_parser *parser, raptor_option option, char** string_p, int* integer_p) | |
int raptor_parser_set_feature_string(raptor_parser *parser, raptor_feature feature, const unsigned char* value) | int raptor_parser_set_option (raptor_parser *parser, raptor_option option, char* string, int integer) | |
int raptor_parsers_enumerate(const unsigned int counter, const char* *name, const char* *label) | raptor_syntax_description* raptor_world_get_parser_description (raptor_world* world, unsigned int counter) | |
int raptor_parsers_enumerate_v2(raptor_world* world, const unsigned int counter, const char* *name, const char* *label) | raptor_syntax_description* raptor_world_get_parser_description (raptor_world* world, const unsigned int counter) | |
void raptor_print_locator(FILE *stream, raptor_locator* locator) | int raptor_locator_print (raptor_locator* locator, FILE *stream) | |
void raptor_print_locator_v2(raptor_world* world, FILE *stream, raptor_locator* locator) | void raptor_locator_print (raptor_locator* locator, FILE *stream) | |
void raptor_print_statement(const raptor_statement * statement, FILE *stream) | int raptor_statement_print (const raptor_statement * statement, FILE *stream) | |
void raptor_print_statement_as_ntriples(const raptor_statement * statement, FILE *stream) | int raptor_statement_print_as_ntriples (const raptor_statement * statement, FILE *stream) | |
void raptor_print_statement_as_ntriples_v2(const raptor_statement_v2 * statement, FILE *stream) | int raptor_statement_print_as_ntriples (const raptor_statement * statement, FILE *stream) | |
void raptor_print_statement_v2(const raptor_statement_v2 * statement, FILE *stream) | int raptor_statement_print (const raptor_statement * statement, FILE *stream) | |
raptor_uri* raptor_qname_string_to_uri(raptor_namespace_stack *nstack, const unsigned char* name, size_t name_len, raptor_simple_message_handler error_handler, void *error_data) | raptor_uri* raptor_qname_string_to_uri (raptor_namespace_stack *nstack, const unsigned char* name, size_t name_len) | |
void raptor_sequence_print(raptor_sequence* seq, FILE* fh) | int raptor_sequence_print (raptor_sequence* seq, FILE* fh) | |
void raptor_sequence_sort(raptor_sequence* seq, int(*compare)(const void *, const void *)) | void raptor_sequence_sort (raptor_sequence* seq, raptor_data_compare_handler compare) | |
int raptor_serialize_statement(raptor_serializer* rdf_serializer, const raptor_statement *statement) | int raptor_serializer_serialize_statement (raptor_serializer* rdf_serializer, raptor_statement *statement) | |
int raptor_serializer_features_enumerate(const raptor_feature feature, const char* *name, raptor_uri **uri, const char* *label) | raptor_option_description* raptor_world_get_option_description (raptor_world* world, const raptor_domain domain, const raptor_option option) | Call with domain = RAPTOR_DOMAIN_SERIALIZER
int raptor_serializer_features_enumerate_v2(raptor_world* world, const raptor_feature feature, const char* *name, raptor_uri **uri, const char* *label) | raptor_option_description* raptor_world_get_option_description (raptor_world* world, const raptor_domain domain, const raptor_option option) | Call with domain = RAPTOR_DOMAIN_SERIALIZER
int raptor_serializer_get_feature(raptor_serializer *serializer, raptor_feature feature) | int raptor_serializer_get_option (raptor_serializer *serializer, raptor_option option) | |
const unsigned char* raptor_serializer_get_feature_string(raptor_serializer *serializer, raptor_feature feature) | int raptor_serializer_get_option (raptor_serializer *serializer, raptor_option option, char** string_p, int* integer_p) | |
int raptor_serializer_set_feature(raptor_serializer *serializer, raptor_feature feature, int value) | int raptor_serializer_set_option (raptor_serializer *serializer, raptor_option option, char* string, int integer) | |
int raptor_serializer_set_feature_string(raptor_serializer *serializer, raptor_feature feature, const unsigned char* value) | int raptor_serializer_set_option (raptor_serializer *serializer, raptor_option option, char* string, int integer) | |
int raptor_serializer_syntax_name_check(const char* name) | int raptor_world_is_serializer_name (raptor_world* world, const char* name) | |
int raptor_serializers_enumerate(const unsigned int counter, const char* *name, const char* *label, const char* *mime_type, const unsigned char* *uri_string) | const raptor_syntax_description* raptor_world_get_serializer_description (raptor_world* world, unsigned int counter) | |
int raptor_serializers_enumerate_v2(raptor_world* world, const unsigned int counter, const char* *name, const char* *label, const char* *mime_type, const unsigned char* *uri_string) | const raptor_syntax_description* raptor_world_get_serializer_description (raptor_world* world, const unsigned int counter) | |
void raptor_set_default_generate_id_parameters(raptor_parser* rdf_parser, char* prefix, int base) | void raptor_world_set_generate_bnodeid_parameters (raptor_world* world, char* prefix, int base) | |
int raptor_set_feature(raptor_parser *parser, raptor_feature feature, int value) | int raptor_parser_set_option (raptor_parser *parser, raptor_option option, char* string, int integer) | |
void raptor_set_generate_id_handler(raptor_parser* parser, void *user_data, raptor_generate_id_handler handler) | void raptor_world_set_generate_bnodeid_handler (raptor_world* world, void *user_data, raptor_generate_bnodeid_handler handler) | |
void raptor_set_graph_handler(raptor_parser* parser, void *user_data, raptor_graph_handler handler) | void raptor_parser_set_graph_mark_handler (raptor_parser* parser, void *user_data, raptor_graph_mark_handler handler) | |
void raptor_set_libxslt_security_preferences(void *security_preferences) | int raptor_world_set_libxslt_security_preferences (raptor_world *world, void *security_preferences) | |
int raptor_statement_compare_v2(const raptor_statement_v2 *s1, const raptor_statement_v2 *s2) | int raptor_statement_compare (const raptor_statement *s1, const raptor_statement *s2) | |
int raptor_syntax_name_check(const char* name) | int raptor_world_is_parser_name (raptor_world* world, const char *name) | |
int raptor_syntax_name_check_v2(raptor_world* world, const char* name) | int raptor_world_is_parser_name (raptor_world* world, const char *name) | |
int raptor_syntaxes_enumerate(const unsigned int counter, const char* *name, const char* *label, const char* *mime_type, const unsigned char* *uri_string) | raptor_syntax_description* raptor_world_get_parser_description (raptor_world* world, const unsigned int counter) | |
int raptor_syntaxes_enumerate_v2(raptor_world* world, const unsigned int counter, const char* *name, const char* *label, const char* *mime_type, const unsigned char* *uri_string) | raptor_syntax_description* raptor_world_get_parser_description (raptor_world* world, const unsigned int counter) | |
int raptor_unicode_char_to_utf8(raptor_unichar c, unsigned char* output) | int raptor_unicode_utf8_string_put_char (raptor_unichar c, unsigned char* output, size_t length) | |
unsigned char* raptor_uri_as_counted_string_v2(raptor_world* world, raptor_uri *uri, size_t* len_p) | unsigned char* raptor_uri_as_counted_string (raptor_uri *uri, size_t* len_p) | |
unsigned char* raptor_uri_as_string_v2(raptor_world* world, raptor_uri *uri) | unsigned char* raptor_uri_as_string (raptor_uri *uri) | |
int raptor_uri_compare_v2(raptor_world* world, raptor_uri* uri1, raptor_uri* uri2) | int raptor_uri_compare (raptor_uri* uri1, raptor_uri* uri2) | |
raptor_uri* raptor_uri_copy_v2(raptor_world* world, raptor_uri *uri) | raptor_uri* raptor_uri_copy (raptor_uri *uri) | |
int raptor_uri_equals_v2(raptor_world* world, raptor_uri* uri1, raptor_uri* uri2) | int raptor_uri_equals (raptor_uri* uri1, raptor_uri* uri2) | |
void raptor_uri_print(const raptor_uri* uri, FILE *stream) | int raptor_uri_print (const raptor_uri* uri, FILE *stream) | |
void raptor_uri_print_v2(raptor_world* world, const raptor_uri* uri, FILE *stream) | int raptor_uri_print (const raptor_uri* uri, FILE *stream) | |
void raptor_uri_resolve_uri_reference(const unsigned char* base_uri, const unsigned char* reference_uri, unsigned char* buffer, size_t length) | size_t raptor_uri_resolve_uri_reference (const unsigned char* base_uri, const unsigned char* reference_uri, unsigned char* buffer, size_t length) | |
unsigned char* raptor_uri_to_counted_string_v2(raptor_world* world, raptor_uri *uri, size_t *len_p) | unsigned char* raptor_uri_to_counted_string (raptor_uri *uri, size_t *len_p) | |
unsigned char* raptor_uri_to_relative_counted_uri_string_v2(raptor_world* world, raptor_uri *base_uri, raptor_uri *reference_uri, size_t *length_p) | unsigned char* raptor_uri_to_relative_counted_uri_string (raptor_uri *base_uri, raptor_uri *reference_uri, size_t *length_p) | |
unsigned char* raptor_uri_to_relative_uri_string_v2(raptor_world* world, raptor_uri *base_uri, raptor_uri *reference_uri) | unsigned char* raptor_uri_to_relative_uri_string (raptor_uri *base_uri, raptor_uri *reference_uri) | |
unsigned char* raptor_uri_to_string_v2(raptor_world* world, raptor_uri *uri) | unsigned char* raptor_uri_to_string (raptor_uri *uri) | |
int raptor_utf8_to_unicode_char(raptor_unichar* output, const unsigned char* input, int length) | int raptor_unicode_utf8_string_get_char (const unsigned char* input, size_t length, raptor_unichar* output) | |
void raptor_world_set_libxml_flags(raptor_world *world, int flags) | int raptor_world_set_flag (raptor_world *world, raptor_world_flag flag, int value) | |
void raptor_world_set_libxslt_security_preferences(raptor_world *world, void *security_preferences) | int raptor_world_set_libxslt_security_preferences (raptor_world *world, void *security_preferences) | |
int raptor_www_fetch_to_string(raptor_www *www, raptor_uri *uri, void **string_p, size_t *length_p, void *(*malloc_handler)(size_t size)) | int raptor_www_fetch_to_string (raptor_www *www, raptor_uri *uri, void **string_p, size_t *length_p, raptor_data_malloc_handler const malloc_handler) | |
raptor_www* raptor_www_new(void) | raptor_www* raptor_new_www (raptor_world* world) | |
raptor_www* raptor_www_new_with_connection(void* connection) | raptor_www* raptor_new_www_with_connection (raptor_world* world, void* connection) | |
int raptor_xml_any_escape_string(const unsigned char* string, size_t len, unsigned char* buffer, size_t length, char quote, int xml_version, raptor_simple_message_handler error_handler, void *error_data) | int raptor_xml_escape_string_any (raptor_world* world, const unsigned char* string, size_t len, unsigned char* buffer, size_t length, char quote, int xml_version) | |
int raptor_xml_escape_string(const unsigned char* string, size_t len, unsigned char* buffer, size_t length, char quote, raptor_simple_message_handler error_handler, void *error_data) | int raptor_xml_escape_string (raptor_world *world, const unsigned char* string, size_t len, unsigned char* buffer, size_t length, char quote) | |
int raptor_xml_writer_features_enumerate(const raptor_feature feature, const char* *name, raptor_uri **uri, const char* *label) | raptor_option_description* raptor_world_get_option_description (raptor_world* world, const raptor_domain domain, const raptor_option option) | Call with domain = RAPTOR_DOMAIN_XML_WRITER
int raptor_xml_writer_features_enumerate_v2(raptor_world* world, const raptor_feature feature, const char* *name, raptor_uri **uri, const char* *label) | raptor_option_description* raptor_world_get_option_description (raptor_world* world, const raptor_domain domain, const raptor_option option) | Call with domain = RAPTOR_DOMAIN_XML_WRITER
int raptor_xml_writer_get_feature(raptor_xml_writer *xml_writer, raptor_feature feature) | int raptor_xml_writer_get_option (raptor_xml_writer *xml_writer, raptor_option option, char** string_p, int* integer_p) | |
const unsigned char* raptor_xml_writer_get_feature_string(raptor_xml_writer *xml_writer, raptor_feature feature) | const unsigned char* raptor_xml_writer_get_option (raptor_xml_writer *xml_writer, raptor_option option, char** string_p, int* integer_p) | |
int raptor_xml_writer_set_feature(raptor_xml_writer *xml_writer, raptor_feature feature, int value) | int raptor_xml_writer_set_option (raptor_xml_writer *xml_writer, raptor_option option, char* string, int integer) | |
int raptor_xml_writer_set_feature_string(raptor_xml_writer *xml_writer, raptor_feature feature, const unsigned char* value) | int raptor_xml_writer_set_option (raptor_xml_writer *xml_writer, raptor_option option, char* string, int integer) |
1.4.21 type | 2.0.0 type | Notes |
raptor_feature | raptor_option | And new option RAPTOR_OPTION_STRICT added. |
raptor_graph_handler | raptor_graph_mark_handler | |
raptor_identifier | raptor_term | Fields changed to be simpler raptor_term_type and raptor_term_value |
raptor_identifier_type | raptor_term_type | Removed several enum values to leave just URI, blank and literal types. |
raptor_iostream_handler2 | raptor_iostream_handler | |
raptor_iostream_write_end_func | raptor_iostream_write_end_func | handler returns an int |
raptor_sequence_free_function | raptor_data_free_handler | |
raptor_sequence_free_handler_v2 | raptor_data_context_free_handler | |
raptor_sequence_print_handler | raptor_data_print_handler | |
raptor_sequence_print_handler_v2 | raptor_data_context_print_handler | |
raptor_simple_message_handler | raptor_log_handler | Replaced by generic raptor log mechanism. See raptor_world_set_log_handler () |
raptor_statement | raptor_statement | fields changed to use raptor_term |
raptor_statement_handler | raptor_statement_handler | added const |
raptor_statement_v2 | raptor_statement | Fields changed to be a 3 or 4 tuple of raptor_term |
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