RedlandDave Beckett |
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![]() since 2005. Redland librdfDemonstrationsData |
Redland librdf RDF API Library - DocumentationDOCUMENTSThe latest documentation is on the Redland Web Site.
API DOCUMENTATIONThe API DocBook documentation is generated automatically from the source code using the Linux kernel kernel-doc program which you can get as the file scripts/kernel-doc in the distribution. Each of the higher level language APIs contains a mapping to the core C API and may also include extra documentation describing the native APIs along with examples of use.
PAPERSThe design and implementation of Redland are discussed in detail in the paper The Design and Implementation of the Redland librdf RDF API Library presented at the WWW10 conference, May 2001. (pre-print). The details of the technology of the WSE and RDN-WSE projects that are based on Redland are reported in Web Crawling High-Quality Metadata using RDF and Dublin Core, presented at the WWW2002 conference, May 2002. |