
Service — Execute queries remotely via a SPARQL HTTP Protocol service.


typedef             rasqal_service;
rasqal_service *    rasqal_new_service                  (rasqal_world *world,
                                                         raptor_uri *service_uri,
                                                         const unsigned char *query_string,
                                                         raptor_sequence *data_graphs);
void                rasqal_free_service                 (rasqal_service *svc);
rasqal_query_results * rasqal_service_execute           (rasqal_service *svc);
int                 rasqal_service_set_format           (rasqal_service *svc,
                                                         const char *format);
int                 rasqal_service_set_www              (rasqal_service *svc,
                                                         raptor_www *www);


The SPARQL Protocol defines an HTTP binding that enables remote queries to be executed over specified default and named graphs. This class allows that to be constructed and executed, returning a Rasqal query results rasqal_query_results that may be used, for example, with a formatter to generate output.



typedef struct rasqal_service_s rasqal_service;

Rasqal SPARQL Protocol Service

rasqal_new_service ()

rasqal_service *    rasqal_new_service                  (rasqal_world *world,
                                                         raptor_uri *service_uri,
                                                         const unsigned char *query_string,
                                                         raptor_sequence *data_graphs);

Constructor - create a new rasqal protocol service object.

Create a structure to execute a sparql protocol service at service_uri running the query query_string and returning a sparql result set.

All arguments are copied by the service object

world :

rasqal_world object

service_uri :

sparql protocol service URI

query_string :

query string (or NULL)

data_graphs :

sequence of rasqal_data_graph graphs for service

Returns :

a new rasqal_query object or NULL on failure

rasqal_free_service ()

void                rasqal_free_service                 (rasqal_service *svc);

Destructor - destroy a rasqal_service object.

svc :

rasqal_service object

rasqal_service_execute ()

rasqal_query_results * rasqal_service_execute           (rasqal_service *svc);

Execute a rasqal sparql protocol service

svc :

rasqal service

Returns :

query results or NULL on failure

rasqal_service_set_format ()

int                 rasqal_service_set_format           (rasqal_service *svc,
                                                         const char *format);

Set the MIME Type to use in HTTP Accept when executing the service

svc :

rasqal_service service object

format :

service mime type (or NULL)

Returns :

non 0 on failure

rasqal_service_set_www ()

int                 rasqal_service_set_www              (rasqal_service *svc,
                                                         raptor_www *www);

Set the WWW object to use when executing the service

svc :

rasqal_service service object

www :

WWW object (or NULL)

Returns :

non 0 on failure

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Copyright 2000-2023 Dave Beckett