
Collections — Collections of photos or sets.


typedef             flickcurl_collection;
flickcurl_collection * flickcurl_collections_getInfo    (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *collection_id);
flickcurl_collection * flickcurl_collections_getTree    (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *collection_id,
                                                         const char *user_id);
void                flickcurl_free_collection           (flickcurl_collection *collection);
void                flickcurl_free_collections          (flickcurl_collection **collections);


Collections of photos or sets.



typedef struct flickcurl_collection_s flickcurl_collection;

A photo collection. May contain collections OR sets but not both.

flickcurl_collections_getInfo ()

flickcurl_collection * flickcurl_collections_getInfo    (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *collection_id);

Returns information for a single collection. Currently can only be called by the collection owner, this may change.

Implements flickr.collections.getInfo (1.12)

fc :

flickcurl context

collection_id :

The ID of the collection to fetch information for.

Returns :

a collection or NULL on failure

flickcurl_collections_getTree ()

flickcurl_collection * flickcurl_collections_getTree    (flickcurl *fc,
                                                         const char *collection_id,
                                                         const char *user_id);

Returns a tree (or sub tree) of collections belonging to a given user.

Implements flickr.collections.getTree (1.12)

fc :

flickcurl context

collection_id :

The ID of the collection to fetch a tree for, or zero to fetch the root collection. Defaults to zero. (or NULL)

user_id :

The ID of the account to fetch the collection tree for. Deafults to the calling user. (or NULL)

Returns :

a collection or NULL on failure

flickcurl_free_collection ()

void                flickcurl_free_collection           (flickcurl_collection *collection);

Destructor collection

collection :


flickcurl_free_collections ()

void                flickcurl_free_collections          (flickcurl_collection **collections);

Destructor for array of collection object

collections :

collection object array